Speculative Design projects, workshops, and future prototypes
Facilitated sessions of the Future Scouting® Team Game and customised variations taking participants to alternate futures to design values-driven inventions with future technologies.
Design Fictions
Design Fictions are prototypes of things from possible futures. Explore these digital concepts brought back from scouting possible futures of various themes such as travel, health, peace, mixed reality, and supply chain.
Speculative World Building
Exploring futures through worldbuilding based on story writing, and expanding on the story worlds through low-budget multi-media such as illustration, video, AI animation, interactive illustration, etc.
A ‘store’ of future things, ALT-FUTRS is a collection of the Design Fictions created by participants of the Future Scouting® game and workshops, and from using the book’s method.
Create your own Design Fictions
A fun and practical step-by-step guide to designing life-centred, values-driven technology products with speculative design.
#1 Amazon New Release in Industrial Design, Feb ’21