Future Scouting…
Airline Travel
How might advanced mixed reality enhance airline travel?
15min Guerilla Provotyping
In a futuring course exercise, we explored the future of airline travel through an inflight care pack.
After speculating various futures, we focused on one and ideated an artifact from this future experience using items laying around the house.

The design fiction
In a near future, air flights become the destination. A future airline redesigns its plans to accommodate the Mixed Reality Explorer Programme—mixed reality inflight conferences, where the flight is the conference, where passengers can mingle with in-person attendees and other virtual passengers represented by MR avatars.
A prototype from this—made in 15 minutes and with items laying around the house—is the Mixed Reality In-flight Passenger Kit, allowing passengers to interact safely with a mixed reality enhance in-flight experience.
About the conents
- MR Glasses and Haptic gloves—the glasses could be a bendable sheath display that slides over a passenger’s own glasses, and the haptic gloves give physical sensations to enhance the Mixed Reality experience.
- Companion device—in a closed environment of a plane, voice interaction wouldn’t be ideal, and passengers raising their arms to tap their glasses could also cause disruption, so a discreet hand-held device could be a more suitable interaction method.
- Focusing on close visuals can strain the eyes, so eye drops are included to assist with relieving any exertion
- Moving and realism in Mixed Reality experiences can cause discombobulation and nausea in some users, so a gentle anti-nausea, restablising medication is included
Future Scouting aims to champion values during futuring to ensure we are always fostering our preferred futures.
The values championed through this scouting were: