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The Future Scouting Team Game

Learn about designing futures with the Future Scouting® team game workshop

Design with future technologies relevant to your industry

For a fun and interactive introduction to designing for the future, I can facilitate a Future Scouting® game session, in person or remotely, for small to large groups.

Played in Miro, participants are given a design mission before journeying into the future to rapidly design advanced technologies that foster core values. The content can be customised to what’s relevant to your business, cause, or industry.

Future Scouting game layout in Miro
Sati—a Future Scouting Team Game invention
Emotion Coach—a Future Scouting Team Game invention
Clam Seed—a Future Scouting Team Game invention

Design Education Award

Future Scouting® received a Notable Design Education Initiative Award in the Core 77 Design Awards 2021

Played remotely around the world

In 2021 I was invited to facilitate Future Scouting® for the Speculative Futures Sydney Meetup with players from around the world. Future Scouting has since been played in the Netherlands, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Australia.

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