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Speculative Design

Designing multiple possible futures

Speculative Design

Designing multiple possible futures

Speculative Design, Foresight, and Design Fiction are design practices that use research to find signals of potential future change which are then used to create snapshots of possible future scenarios.

These scenarios and artefacts generate ideas for innovation and can be used to test the future impacts of decisions made today, explore potential future needs, and prompt innovation.

A Futures Cone with three arrows pointing into the future and representing three alternate possible future scenarios.

Video introductions

Phil balagtas’ excellent introduction

Phil Balagtas is a well-known futurist and founder of the Design Futures Initiative.

Watch his fascinating and informative introduction to speculative design

Speculative AND life-centred design

In this talk with Woolies X design team, I shared the benefits and application of speculative design and foresight for designing futures, and how they combine with 9 other practices in life-centred design.



Light-hearted articles on Medium for a fun introduction to speculative design:

tools & practice

Articles about some foundational futures tools to start experimenting

Design your own speculative futures

A fun and practical step-by-step guide to designing life-centred, values-driven technology with speculative design.

#1 Amazon New Release in Industrial Design, Feb ’21

Future Scouting guide book
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