*If the zip file doesn’t download (Chrome can block zip files) check your browser’s security settings, or paste this link in a different browser:
Follow the included instructions to layout the files in an interactive digital space like Miro or Mural.
If you don’t already have an account with Miro, you can set one up for free, and read the “How to interact with Miro” guide in the instructions.
About the activity game
The mission
Future Scouting® encourages designers to design with values in mind. Each game will have a Key Value determined at the start of the game (e.g. Kindness, Security, Health, etc.). Scouts are then sent to alternate futures with different future technologies to design the invention that most enables the Key Value.
Number of players
Ideally for 5 players.
What you’ll need
The game downloads
A timer
Access to this page and the game cards
Pen and paper for sketching